1 Ocak 2013 Salı

Foo Plot

Foo Plot

Foo plot is functions plotter too, like "Graph Sketch". You can online sketch the function in 3D or 2D with root and intersection finding, easy scrolling and exporting features.

There is a part which the functions are written
For example I write it x^3 and I change its settings like that 

You can fix the border of x-y plane
For example,
 My graphs' borders are -5 and 5 on the x plane.
-3 and 3 on the y plane

I changed its window on x-y plane. Finally I obtained this graph 

We can do some change on our graph.

We can change background color

We can also add or drop "grid", "axes", "tick marks", "number"

Let try it on the graph


We can drop the grids by grid button and change its color 

We can drop axes and change its color

We can drop/add numbers and tick marks like we have done above

We can sketch any degree of function...

You should write x-squared like that "x^2" 
There is a function y(x)=x^2/(x+1)(x-1)

If you want to write square-root x, you should write like that:

Brackets are important!!

Let sketch it!

 Also let sketch this function! 

We write it like that:

There is also logarithmic function which is based 10

Hyperbolic Trigonometric Functions 
tanh(x), sinh(x), cosh(x), coth(x)

We sketch 4 functions on one graph


cos(x), tan(x) and cot(x) are like sin(x) function

Let sketch the inverse sin function which is asin(x)

Absolute Value 
Graph of |x^3+1|


I have created any function. You can also create polarparametric and points



x=2 and y is fixed "s"
"s" is defined -2<s<1

Cos(2s) and Sin(2s) 


Enter the points here.. 

Therefore you can see the points on the graph 

You are allowed to change the points' color

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