1 Ocak 2013 Salı

Graph Sketch

Graph Sketch

We use it to sketch some functions. 

Firstly you should enter any equations, then you also should change some settings which are x range, y range,  x-y tick distance, function width and image size. 

x range and y range are set the size of its
There is a picture of settings part

"x-y tick distance" x ve y axisleri üzerindeki aralığı belirler.
Label Every sayıları yazacağı sıklığı belirler örneğin x'te 3 yaparsanız ...-6,-3,0,3,6,9,12... şeklinde ilerler sayılar.
If you want the grid you should select the show grid

When you determine the settings shown above, there will be the graph like that;

Let sketch some sample functions!
We can more than one function on one graph

x-squared is written as x^2
x+1 multiple x-1 is written as (x+1)*(x-1)
For example
x+1 divided by 2 is written as (x+1)/2

Let sketch trigonometric functions!

Önceki grafik programlarında küp kök x'i x(1/3) şeklinde yazdık. Bu programda onun gibi yazmak yerine root(x,3) şeklinde yazarız. Örneğin 4. dereceden kök x+1'i şu şekilde yazarız: root(x+1,4)

There is also "exponential", "logarithmic" and "ln" functions
Let sketch that!

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